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Water Conservation

Water Conservation Method(1)

Date: 2021/11/11

Water Conservation for Kitchen

  1. Use proper amount of water in the sink for dish washing, food preparation, and laundry.

  2. Use leftover water after food preparation for dish washing to both save water and reduce pollution from washing detegent.

  3. Leftover water from dish washing, food preparation, laundry or bath could be used for watering flowers.

  4. Collect and reuse wastewater from humidifier, water purifier and sterilizer.
Water Conservation for Kitchen Water Conservation for Kitchen
Water Conservation for bathing
  1. Use shower more often as well as low flow shower-head, and shower time should be no more than 15 minutes.

  2. The full-turn faucet should be replaced with a new 1/4-turn faucet, which shortens the time of the faucet switch to reduce water loss.

  3. Make sure tap is closed when not in use for water conservation.

  4. The water flow should be continual when many people are taking showers in order to save the amount before hot water supply, and can save the cold water for flushing toilet.
bathing bathing
Water conservation for laundry
  1. Choose washing machine with be equipped with automatic water moderator.

  2. When using the washing machine, control water depend on the amount of  laundry.

  3. Laundry time should be moderated according to clothing materials:
    5 minutes for wool and chemical fibers;
    10 minutes for cotton and linen;
    12 minutes for heavily stained material.
laundry laundry
Water conservation for toilet
  1. For new resident building, please use six-liter water saving toilet, water-consuming toilet could be supplemented by two stage flush set.

  2. Remove small float at the bottom of the water tank, and replace with stepless water supply to reduce usage.

  3. Change urine flush into automatic sensory to control proper amount of flushing.
Flushing the toilet Flushing the toilet
Updateing Date:2021-11-11 15:09