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“ Temporary Water Supply Station App” now available online

Date: 2021/10/18

 “TWC Temporary Water Supply Station App” now available online

    The Miaoli, Taichung, and Northern Changhua areas have been in the “red” drought monitoring signal since April 6th, 2021 and started to implement intermittent supply by district measures, “5-day supply and 2-day cut-off”. During the intermittent supply by district, Taiwan Water Cooperation (TWC), for mitigating inconvenience and impact on people’s use of water, has set up temporary water supply stations, including 69 stations in Miaoli, 352 stations in Taichung and 53 stations in Northern Changhua, as well as sending water trucks for mobile water supply at any time.

  In addition to the TWC's website ( for checking locations, contacts’ telephone numbers, and residual quantity of water at temporary water supply stations, the TWC has also provided a “TWC Temporary Water Supply Station App”, available online since April 6th, 2021, including Android and IOS versions. Please use keywords, such as “water supply station” or “5-day supply and 2-day cut-off” to search, download, and install the App, to enable tracking of water quantity and conditions at the temporary water supply stations in your neighborhood. For each water supply station, a water condition in a “green signal” represents “normal”, a “yellow signal” represents “water in replenishment”, and if a water supply station is in an on-service day, but indicates a “gray signal”, it represents that “water supply is unavailable for that on-service day”.


    The TWC will frequently send staff to patrol and inspect to update the latest conditions at the water supply stations. If there is any water supply station found with no water on site, please call the contact telephone number of each water supply station or Hotline number at 1910 to assist getting water replenishment as soon as possible. In addition, please call 1910 (toll free) at any time if there is any inquiry about the scope of the intermittent supply by district or the water cut-off time, or visit the “Fight-Drought Section” on the TWC website ( or TWC fan page on Facebook. We again appreciate everyone’s effort in water conservation during this difficult time, and please value our water resources.

Taiwan Water Corporation, Ministry of Economic Affairs

Spokesperson: Wang,Ming-Hsiao,Vice President

Tel: 04-22244191#203

Mobile: 0912-116863

Business Contact:Tung,Shu-Yan,Department of Business

Tel: 04-22244191#400

Mobile: 0988-739853


Updateing Date:2021-10-18 16:16