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Taiwan Water Corporation Actively Strengthens Water Supply Resilience in Keelung City to Construct Keelung Xizhu Bridge 500mm Pipeline Completed

Date: 2023/08/22

Taiwan Water Corporation has handled several short-term projects from 2022, and actively strengthened water supply resilience in Keelung City. The planned completion of a new 500mm pipeline connecting Zhong 1st Road to Xizhu Bridge Road in Keelung City to strengthen the urban water network on August 7, 2023. A Tunghai Water Booster Pump Station will also be established to increase water pressure in high-elevation areas. Through these improvement projects, the water supply in the Keelung area has significantly stabilized.

Keelung City faced a severe drought crisis during July and August of last year (2022). Seizing this opportunity, Taiwan Water Corporation has been proactively addressing the challenges in the water supply system and implementing a range of short-term, medium-term, and long-term improvement projects to ensure a stable water supply.

In addition to using more raw water from the river at ordinary times, Taiwan Water Corporation has also increased the amount of support from the Taipei Water Department to ensure that the Xinshan Reservoir remains at a high water level. In recent months, Taiwan Water Corporation has expedited the completion of several short-term projects. These include the construction of 6 pumping wells(six inches) near the Gongliao Water Purification Plant and the construction of a pumping well(six inches) at the Badu Raw Water Pump Station to increase the intake of raw water in December 2022.  

In February 2023, emptying the Xinshan Reservoir to repair the first water intake facility. In March 2013, the upgrading of the pumping units at the Badu Raw Water Pump Station and the Xinshan Raw Water Relay Station was completed to improve the pumping efficiency of the Keelung River, from the original 100,000M3 to 120,000M3 per day. The planned completion of a new 500mm pipeline connecting Zhong 1st Road to Xizhu Bridge Road in Keelung City on August 7, 2023, to strengthen the urban water network. A Tunghai Water Booster Pump Station will also be established to increase water pressure in high-elevation areas. When the Shuangxi water source of the Gongliao Water Purification Plant is insufficient, Xinshan Reservoir will provide a backup water supply to the high-elevation areas with 20,000 M3 to avoid water shortage at the end area of the Gongliao water supply system. Through these improvement projects, the water supply in the Keelung area has significantly stabilized.

In addition, the Taiwan Water Corporation and the Water Resources Agency have increased the amount of backup water, and have worked out plans for the Retention Basin Project and Interconnecting Pipeline Project to increase the backup amount of Taipei Water Department and increase the amount of backup water in Shuangxi River to protect future water resources. It is planned to connect the pipe networks in the northern water supply areas in series, which can improve the mutual support ability between the water supply systems. If the Keelung area faces drought again, the emergency backup function of the connected pipes can be activated.

Taiwan Water Corporation has actively promoted self-sufficiency in water demand and supply in the Keelung City area. They have strengthened the water supply resilience in the northern region of Taiwan and improved the efficient utilization of water resources. By minimizing the risks associated with drought and water shortage, they aim to provide the public with a more stable water supply and sufficient water usage.

Department: Taiwan Water Corporation, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C.
Spokesman: (Vice President) Wang, Ming-Hsiao
TEL: 04-22244191#203 / Mobile: 0912-116863
Contact: (Director, Department of Public Works) Wang, Chuan-Cheng
TEL: 04-22244191#300 / Mobile: 0921-789936

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Updateing Date:2023-08-22 13:49