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Telephone Service

Apply by Phone


Service description

Service agent


If there’s no overdue water fee and stop period not over than 2 year, you can call to restore and the fee will be added in the first period of water fee.

Local Service Center

Installation Proof

Apply for proofs of installation day of water facilities.

Local Service Center

Cancel Direct Debit

Cancel by phone

Local Service Center

Mailing Address Change

The water bill is mailed by the device address. If you need to change the mailing address, please provide the water number and customer name, then you can apply by phone. The bill will be sent to the mailing address from this issue or next.

Local Service Center

Apply E-bill

Please provide the water number, customer name and e-mail, you can apply for an electronic bill by phone. Electronic bills will be sent from this issue or the next.

Local Service Center


Service description

Service agent


If there’s no overdue water fee and stop period not over than 2 year, you can call to restore and the fee will be added in the first period of water fee.

Local Service Center

Installation Proof

Apply for proofs of installation day of water facilities.

Local Service Center

Cancel Direct Debit

Cancel by phone

Local Service Center

Mailing Address Change

The water bill is mailed by the device address. If you need to change the mailing address, please provide the water number and customer name, then you can apply by phone. The bill will be sent to the mailing address from this issue or next.

Local Service Center

Apply E-bill

Please provide the water number, customer name and e-mail, you can apply for an electronic bill by phone. Electronic bills will be sent from this issue or the next.

Local Service Center

Please notify us with the customer number or customer address as well as the name, ID number, telephone number and billing address of the consumer so that we will be able to be in your behave of filling up forms.

If application document by telephone is doubtful or unclear, we may contact the applicant to submit the correct documents as needed; failure to do so will result in a rejection of application.
Updateing Date:2021-11-12 09:58