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Application Notice

Water Equipment

Date: 2021/11/12

Application Items

Internal Line Diagram Preview

Required Documents

1.The application form for the internal design drawing of water

   equipment is in triplicate.

2.A copy of the construction license (copy both front and back).

3.Construction start-up report

4.One copy of the electronic file (disc) of the internal drawing of

   the water equipment.

5. If the preliminary review is th same as preview, the

    construction number will be filled in the original design of

    the preview, and the review result column of the application

    review form states that the preview diagram of the water

    equipment internal chart is the same  as the preliminary

    review. And with the addition of the architect's big and small

    chapters, the preview work is completed.

6. If the design drawings of the water equipment are not sent to

    the preliminary review or the original plan is changed, the

    documents for submission include all the documents (1) to 

    (4) and the first preliminary review (2) to (5).



Application Items

New Installation

Required Documents

I. Required Documents:

1. Application form, Taiwan Water Corporation Consumer Water Supply

Service Contract and Taiwan Water Corporation Personal Information

Protection.(Attached with proof from the water pipe engineering industry)

2. Applicant seal & identification card.

3. Internal Pipeline Diagram (If the preview is not required, the review is required.)

4. Documents for application:

(1) Buildings in areas where urban plan is implemented, please prepare any

of the documents below:

•Builiding use license or entitle deeds.

•A certificate of finished building

A certificate of improvement completion in an area where building

control has not yet been implemented.

•The letter issued by the local county (city) government or township (city

or district) office which can verify the legitimacy of the old building water use.

(2) Buildings in areas where urban plan is not implemented, please prepare

any of the documents below:

•Copy of building, the construction license or registration transcript of


•Household immigration certificate.

•Proof of tax filings.

•Receipt (certificate) of water bill and electricity bill.

5.If the external line (water-using facility) requires passing through other

people's land, houses, or connecting to other people's water pipes, the applicant shall

obtain a letter of consent the approval or recognizance from owner or the management in


6.For commissioned application, the trustee is required to check and verify

related information.

7.For the construction project started after January 21,2016, if the

water-using facility involved in the review items of “user water-using facility reference

national standard number and name”, its new installation should submit the inspection

documents in accordance with National Standards from laboratory which is approved by the

Taiwan Accreditation Foundation(TAF).

II. Engineering temporary water installation:

1. Application form and Taiwan Water Corporation Consumer Water Supply

 Service Contract.

2. Applicant seal & identification card.

3. The construction license or engineering contract cover.

4. Location map (Cadastral map in principle).

5. Various change service application.

6. Pay the guarantee fees of temporary water or attach the water fee full

    payment guarantee. (You can make it up before start the use of engineering temporary


7. If the external line (water-using facility) requires passing through other

 people's land, the applicant shall obtain a letter of consent or recognizance from

 landowner in advance.

Flow chart


Application Items


Required Documents

1.Applicant seal

2.Building license

3.Taiwan Water Corporation Various Change Service

   Application and Taiwan Water Corporation Consumer

   Water Supply Service Contract(For commissioned

   application, the trustee is required to check and verify

   related information.)


Application Items

Remodeling Installation

Required Documents

1.Identity Document

2.Applicant seal

3.The previous or current period water bill receipt.

4.Taiwan Water Corporation Various Change Service



Application Items


Required Documents

1.Identity Document

2.Applicant seal

3.The previous or current period water bill receipt.

4. Taiwan Water Corporation Various Change Service



Applicant must be the owner of the house (Please show the

ownership of the building as proof).


Application Items

Suspension / Restoration

Required Documents

1.Identity Document

2.Applicant seal

3.The previous or current period water bill receipt.

4. The user who have overdue water fee and be stopped

    water, should pay an one-half of the basic fee, restoration

    fee and the overdue water fee during the water stop

    period when apply for restoration. If you have stopped

    water for more than two years, you should apply for the

    new installation procedure.

5.Taiwan Water Corporation Various Change Service



Client who is applying for suspension of the water service

will not be charged of the basic fees within the suspension



Application Items

Installment Payment for External Pipeline Construction

Required Documents

1.Apply for water-using facility external lines expense

   through installment payment shall be subject to the

   following requirements:

  (1)You have had household registration in the place of


  (2)For the newly installation project which the caliber of

      water meter is less than 25mm, and the length of

      pipeline less than 20meters.

  (3)The classification of water supply is common water.

2.Apply for installment payment is limited to the

   construction expense, the rest of the expenses should be 

   paid when applying for the new installation project.

3. Installment payment method: Every two months is

    selected as the payment period, and the maximum period

    not to exceed three years.

4.When applying for installment payment, the applicant

   should fill out the application form and guarantee, and

   submit the related documents with residency registration.

5. The guarantor should meet the following requirements:

  (1)The guarantor shall be the name of the water owner and

       shall apply for the owner of the water building; if the

       name of the water owner is inconsistent with the owner

       of the building, the name of the water owner and the

       owner of the building shall be jointly guaranteed.

  (2)The guarantor's water address must be in the same TWC

      district management office as the applicant's application


6. The guarantor should check the following documents and

    go to the local service (operation) of TWC to handle the

    insurance procedures:

  (1)Identification document

  (2)The ownership of the building of the guarantor's water

       use location

  (3)Recently paid water bills


Application Items

Installation Proof

Required Documents

1.Application form

2. The previous or current period water bill receipt.


If the user has no outstanding fees, they can apply online or

by phone.

Application Items

Internal Line Diagram Preview

Required Documents

1.The application form for the internal design drawing of water

   equipment is in triplicate.

2.A copy of the construction license (copy both front and back).

3.Construction start-up report

4.One copy of the electronic file (disc) of the internal drawing of

   the water equipment.

5. If the preliminary review is th same as preview, the

    construction number will be filled in the original design of

    the preview, and the review result column of the application

    review form states that the preview diagram of the water

    equipment internal chart is the same  as the preliminary

    review. And with the addition of the architect's big and small

    chapters, the preview work is completed.

6. If the design drawings of the water equipment are not sent to

    the preliminary review or the original plan is changed, the

    documents for submission include all the documents (1) to 

    (4) and the first preliminary review (2) to (5).



Application Items

New Installation

Required Documents

I. Required Documents:

1. Application form, Taiwan Water Corporation Consumer Water Supply

Service Contract and Taiwan Water Corporation Personal Information

Protection.(Attached with proof from the water pipe engineering industry)

2. Applicant seal & identification card.

3. Internal Pipeline Diagram (If the preview is not required, the review is required.)

4. Documents for application:

(1) Buildings in areas where urban plan is implemented, please prepare any

of the documents below:

•Builiding use license or entitle deeds.

•A certificate of finished building

A certificate of improvement completion in an area where building

control has not yet been implemented.

•The letter issued by the local county (city) government or township (city

or district) office which can verify the legitimacy of the old building water use.

(2) Buildings in areas where urban plan is not implemented, please prepare

any of the documents below:

•Copy of building, the construction license or registration transcript of


•Household immigration certificate.

•Proof of tax filings.

•Receipt (certificate) of water bill and electricity bill.

5.If the external line (water-using facility) requires passing through other

people's land, houses, or connecting to other people's water pipes, the applicant shall

obtain a letter of consent the approval or recognizance from owner or the management in


6.For commissioned application, the trustee is required to check and verify

related information.

7.For the construction project started after January 21,2016, if the

water-using facility involved in the review items of “user water-using facility reference

national standard number and name”, its new installation should submit the inspection

documents in accordance with National Standards from laboratory which is approved by the

Taiwan Accreditation Foundation(TAF).

II. Engineering temporary water installation:

1. Application form and Taiwan Water Corporation Consumer Water Supply

 Service Contract.

2. Applicant seal & identification card.

3. The construction license or engineering contract cover.

4. Location map (Cadastral map in principle).

5. Various change service application.

6. Pay the guarantee fees of temporary water or attach the water fee full

    payment guarantee. (You can make it up before start the use of engineering temporary


7. If the external line (water-using facility) requires passing through other

 people's land, the applicant shall obtain a letter of consent or recognizance from

 landowner in advance.

Flow chart


Application Items


Required Documents

1.Applicant seal

2.Building license

3.Taiwan Water Corporation Various Change Service

   Application and Taiwan Water Corporation Consumer

   Water Supply Service Contract(For commissioned

   application, the trustee is required to check and verify

   related information.)


Application Items

Remodeling Installation

Required Documents

1.Identity Document

2.Applicant seal

3.The previous or current period water bill receipt.

4.Taiwan Water Corporation Various Change Service



Application Items


Required Documents

1.Identity Document

2.Applicant seal

3.The previous or current period water bill receipt.

4. Taiwan Water Corporation Various Change Service



Applicant must be the owner of the house (Please show the

ownership of the building as proof).


Application Items

Suspension / Restoration

Required Documents

1.Identity Document

2.Applicant seal

3.The previous or current period water bill receipt.

4. The user who have overdue water fee and be stopped

    water, should pay an one-half of the basic fee, restoration

    fee and the overdue water fee during the water stop

    period when apply for restoration. If you have stopped

    water for more than two years, you should apply for the

    new installation procedure.

5.Taiwan Water Corporation Various Change Service



Client who is applying for suspension of the water service

will not be charged of the basic fees within the suspension



Application Items

Installment Payment for External Pipeline Construction

Required Documents

1.Apply for water-using facility external lines expense

   through installment payment shall be subject to the

   following requirements:

  (1)You have had household registration in the place of


  (2)For the newly installation project which the caliber of

      water meter is less than 25mm, and the length of

      pipeline less than 20meters.

  (3)The classification of water supply is common water.

2.Apply for installment payment is limited to the

   construction expense, the rest of the expenses should be 

   paid when applying for the new installation project.

3. Installment payment method: Every two months is

    selected as the payment period, and the maximum period

    not to exceed three years.

4.When applying for installment payment, the applicant

   should fill out the application form and guarantee, and

   submit the related documents with residency registration.

5. The guarantor should meet the following requirements:

  (1)The guarantor shall be the name of the water owner and

       shall apply for the owner of the water building; if the

       name of the water owner is inconsistent with the owner

       of the building, the name of the water owner and the

       owner of the building shall be jointly guaranteed.

  (2)The guarantor's water address must be in the same TWC

      district management office as the applicant's application


6. The guarantor should check the following documents and

    go to the local service (operation) of TWC to handle the

    insurance procedures:

  (1)Identification document

  (2)The ownership of the building of the guarantor's water

       use location

  (3)Recently paid water bills


Application Items

Installation Proof

Required Documents

1.Application form

2. The previous or current period water bill receipt.


If the user has no outstanding fees, they can apply online or

by phone.

Updateing Date:2021-11-12 09:43