Convention of Public Service Enhancement 8th Branch of Taiwan Water Corporation
I would hereby obey willingly the following items to achieve the consensus for public service, and to raise the overall quality of service at our branch:
* 一、積極打破陌生及隔閡,主動介紹自己。
To actively break unfamiliarity and separation, and take the initiative to introduce oneself.
* 二、充份尊重客戶的隱私與感受。
To fully respect the customer’s privacy and feelings.
* 三、主動瞭解客戶需求,進而給予更多的服務。
To actively understand the needs of customers and in return provide more services.
* 四、用簡單清楚的話語表達,讓客戶充分明白你所提供的服務。
To use simple words to express one so that the customer can fully understand the services you provide.
* 五、以「己所不欲,勿施於人」之同理心對待客戶。
Keep the empathy as “Do to others as you would have them do to you” in mind when facing customers.
* 六、重視客戶時間,如有異動,應主動說明,並及時採取適當補救措施。
Respect the time of customers. In case of changes, contact the customers, and take remedial measures timely.
* 七、用心聆聽客戶的心聲,並重視每個抱怨,且迅速妥處回應。
Listen to the voices of customers, honor every complaint, and respond swiftly and suitably.
* 八、全體同仁群策群力,發揮團隊精神。
All of the colleagues should work together as a team.
* 九、隨時自我砥礪,言行舉止表現專業素養。
Always encourage oneself, and behave and speak with professionalism.
* 十、共同形塑一個古意、用心、傳承、創新的企業文化。
To create an straightforward, diligent, impartible, creative enterprise culture.
Convention of Public Service Enhancement 8th Branch of Taiwan Water Corporation
Our Heart.Our Services
Impartment & Creation Advance Together
I would hereby obey willingly the following items to achieve the consensus for public service, and to raise the overall quality of service at our branch:
* 一、積極打破陌生及隔閡,主動介紹自己。
To actively break unfamiliarity and separation, and take the initiative to introduce oneself.
* 二、充份尊重客戶的隱私與感受。
To fully respect the customer’s privacy and feelings.
* 三、主動瞭解客戶需求,進而給予更多的服務。
To actively understand the needs of customers and in return provide more services.
* 四、用簡單清楚的話語表達,讓客戶充分明白你所提供的服務。
To use simple words to express one so that the customer can fully understand the services you provide.
* 五、以「己所不欲,勿施於人」之同理心對待客戶。
Keep the empathy as “Do to others as you would have them do to you” in mind when facing customers.
* 六、重視客戶時間,如有異動,應主動說明,並及時採取適當補救措施。
Respect the time of customers. In case of changes, contact the customers, and take remedial measures timely.
* 七、用心聆聽客戶的心聲,並重視每個抱怨,且迅速妥處回應。
Listen to the voices of customers, honor every complaint, and respond swiftly and suitably.
* 八、全體同仁群策群力,發揮團隊精神。
All of the colleagues should work together as a team.
* 九、隨時自我砥礪,言行舉止表現專業素養。
Always encourage oneself, and behave and speak with professionalism.
* 十、共同形塑一個古意、用心、傳承、創新的企業文化。
To create an straightforward, diligent, impartible, creative enterprise culture.